Innovation for Sustainable Water USA-MEX: final results

August 31, 2023

The Tijuana Development Council, the United States - Mexico Foundation for Science (USMFS) and the Open Innovation Hub by Rotoplas "innwai", are pleased to announce the final results of the Innovation for Sustainable Water USA-MEX call for proposals.

The Evaluation Committee of the call has decided to name the following proposals as the most outstanding:

Challenge 1 - Filtration Media for Purification Systems:

  • Multifunctional filtration media - Mercedes Teresita Oropeza Guzman from IT Tijuana -TNM.

 Challenge 2 - Wastewater treatment and reuse systems:

  • Water Treatment System "ipium" - Quarkss

  • Tubular Biological Reactor - Sergio García and Alfonso Durán of FQ-UNAM

We are immensely grateful for the participation of all the people and organizations that took part, and we invite you all to continue contributing to solve in a sustainable way the problem of water scarcity worldwide.


About to close the "Challenges in Plastic Materials" call by Grupo Rotoplas
Send us your proposal no later than 24 September